Growing teams and companies through ideation & intraprenuership


It's even hard for me to believe I started my sales career selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. Do people still do that? There would have been an easier way to make a buck, but a better way to learn sales - there wasn't. After closing my first sale, I became a certifiable sales adrenaline junkie.

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My passion is helping companies grow their business with more sales and better marketing, Specifically, aligning sales and marketing. As you read more about me, you'll see that I've devoted my entire career to doing just that.

  • Do you struggle supporting your sales efforts with the right marketing?
  • Is the marketing message the same as the sales message?
  • Do you wonder if you're paying your sales reps too much? Too little?
  • Are your sales reps accountable? Effective?

These are but a handful of things I've helped companies with over the years. I've made many mistakes for sure, and now you have an opportunity to leverage my expertise. 

Whether you're needing a few tweaks or a complete overhaul, my efforts can, and will, produce results. How do I know that? Because I've "been there, done that". I'm the doer. I can help YOU get there.  At the same time, I'll be developing your people for the next generation of technology executives.

If you'd like to pursue leveraging my expertise, DROP ME A LINE HERE, either as an intrapreneur or extrapreneur.  

Me doing what I love to do.

Me doing what I love to do.

about me

More about me when I'm not at work.

Are you ready for a Doer?

Are you ready for a Doer?

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